A.I. generated follow-up questions
Carl Robinson
Follow-up questions dynamically generated in real-time based on the guest answers. These increase the spontaneity and naturalness of the conversation, extend the length of the audio recorded, and go deep on topics.
Hi there,
(Answering to A)
We do have a flow feature request too you can upvote :)
But this feature here is all about AI. We just hired a PhD student on this very subject with a prestigious French lab (LISN CNRS, previously LIMSI) in Université Paris Saclay.
I founded Rumble Studio with Carl Robinson because I want to apply my own knowledge on this subject. Natural language processing is much more than branching conditions.
We aim at generating questions that were not written anywhere else before, based on previous answers; next questions; and different databases (like recent news).
Please upvote it so that we keep you posted when it's ready ;)
Hello everyone,
Dynamically generated in real-time based on the guest answers is an excellent enhancement. However, it would be good to have the possibility to set a number of follow questions limit so to let ChatGPT to combine the last question to be a concluding one.
Thank you
Merged in a post:
ChatGPT or similar to generate questions
Incorporating ChatGPT into a software system can provide several benefits, such as:
(a) Ability to generate questions quickly from a given background, users can effortlessly provide follow-up and industry-specific questions making the process of question writing much simpler.
(b) Translation: ChatGPT can translate text to different languages, which can help create multilingual software.
(c) Grammar and paragraph corrections: ChatGPT can also help users correct grammar and paragraph errors, improving the overall quality of the written content.
(d) Increased efficiency and speed: Using ChatGPT, users can save time and effort in creating content, enabling them to focus on other essential tasks.
(e) Customisation: ChatGPT can be customised to meet specific requirements (however that would be programmed)
(this was written on chatgpt)
There isn't a need to go overboard with long form. Maybe - focus on the
- Topic suggestions and ideas generator
- Types of people to interview
- Header suggestions for show
- Questions generator
- Followup questions threads
- Short paragraph explainers - backgrounding information say in 1 or 2 paragraphs
- Multi-media posts eg. Tweets or FB and relevant hash tags.
- Tranlation of questions and grammar suggests
- Strategic - eg. "as if" related to industry (creates more of a relational questioning, rapport etc.)
Notion.so have an extremely good function at the moment. It is seamless and integrates well into the document area. In all honesty, a lot of these functions are available in other platforms but ideally, it would be good to keep the workflow in one area, on one platform and to reduce subscriptions and costs.
- A lot of your integrations eg. language translation of questions, spell and grammar checking (Grammarly) could be integrated into chat GPT. This has a different learning model than say Grammarly.
Just S
As I get started with RS, I wonder about the loss of improvisational and spontaneous interaction when using asynchronous interviewing. The premeditated nature of an asynchronous interview means that the opportunity to react and pivot based on a response is lost. The inability to spontaneously change direction in the interview is both a positive (better efficiency/focus/structure) and a negative (loss of spontaneity/serendipity/organic flow). I was thinking that being able to go back an interject new questions and responses was the solution, but if A.I can effectively handle this, even better!
This is next level amazing!!!!
Hi there,
(Answering to A)
We do have a flow feature request too you can upvote :)
But this feature here is all about AI. We just hired a PhD student on this very subject with a prestigious French lab (LISN CNRS, previously LIMSI) in Université Paris Saclay.
I founded Rumble Studio with Carl Robinson because I want to apply my own knowledge on this subject. Natural language processing is much more than branching conditions.
We aim at generating questions that were not written anywhere else before, based on previous answers; next questions; and different databases (like recent news).
Please upvote it so that we keep you posted when it's ready ;)
Joris GUERRY: "We aim to generate questions that have not been written anywhere else before, based on previous answers, upcoming questions, and different databases (such as recent news).:"
*Exactly, going back to the fallback of uniqueness, something new, relevant, and engaging, and not rehashing the same content as 10,000 other podcasts... like that familiar ChatGPT starter, "hope you are doing well" etc on most emails.
Thanks, Joris, for your tireless efforts in the community. 🙌🏽
This is branching conditions. ("A.I." is overreaching)
Carl Robinson